
Giving Yourself Grace When Things Don’t Go as Planned

So I had an entirely different post planned today and was going to finish the project last night.. and then life happened.  It seems to be happening a lot lately- making plans to work on a project or write or even take a nap myself and then the boys take shifts for naptime and wake each other up as one goes down for a nap. 

I often get very frustrated at myself when things don’t go as planned. I see the messy house, the laundry pile, the other work and chores that I’m behind on, but the fact is, that’s life with a 6 month old and a 3 year old. 

We all experience times of life when things don’t go as planned. The key is giving ourselves a break and understanding that the crazy times of life aren’t what define us. It’s how we deal with the crazy and, more especially, Who we lean on to get us through that defines us. 

So when things don’t go as planned, lean on Jesus and post a couple adorable pictures of your kids. 😉


2 thoughts on “Giving Yourself Grace When Things Don’t Go as Planned

  1. And don’t forget that this is only a season of your life. The craziness will change as the kids get older. You seem to be doing a good job at rolling with the punches.


  2. Thanks, Isabelle! I am definitely trying to roll with the punches. I love being a mom of two little guys and try to cherish this age and stage with both of them. Most of the time it’s easy, but sometimes I have to be a little more intentional. 🙂


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